Best Bet Diet Cookbook

Thank you for your interest in the Best Bet Diet Cookbook. This cookbook has been published by the non-profit charity, Direct-MS which has always been dedicated to providing reliable, science-based information on the role that nutritional factors play in MS. For this reason, Direct-MS has decided to distribute this cookbook at no cost to people affected by MS.

We’re proud to announce our new Best Bet Diet Cookbook.


We are extremely grateful to Silviya Angelova for volunteering to translate The Best Bet Diet Cookbook into Bulgarian and Italian. Her dedication will help many more people dealing with MS embrace dietary strategies and achieve better health.

Direct-MS is able to publish and distribute informative materials like the Best Bet Diet Cookbook thanks to generous contributions. If you would like to make a charitable donation, it’s most appreciated.

Direct-MS is volunteer-driven, and, because no salaries are paid, our administration and fund-raising costs are less than 5% of our total expenditures. All donations are tax deductible in Canada and USA and a tax receipt will be sent to you promptly.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions.