Potential renal acid load of food and its influence on urine pH Potential renal acid load of food and its influence on urine pH2018-01-17T17:06:09-05:00
Curcumin: An Atoxic Antioxidant and Natural NF-~B, Cyclooxygenase-2, Lipooxygenase, and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor: A Shield Against Acute and Chronic Diseases Curcumin: An Atoxic Antioxidant and Natural NF-~B, Cyclooxygenase-2, Lipooxygenase, and Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor: A Shield Against Acute and Chronic Diseases2018-01-17T17:05:56-05:00
Clinical review of Science, medicine, and the future: Nutritional genomics Clinical review of Science, medicine, and the future: Nutritional genomics2018-01-17T17:05:23-05:00
Vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults: Clinical applications Vitamins for chronic disease prevention in adults: Clinical applications2018-01-17T17:05:11-05:00
“A calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics “A calorie is a calorie” violates the second law of thermodynamics2018-01-17T17:05:05-05:00
Human uptake and incorporation of an immunogenic nonhuman dietary sialic acid Human uptake and incorporation of an immunogenic nonhuman dietary sialic acid2018-01-17T17:04:40-05:00